Many a time, we have been on the receiving end of visitors barging into the house and sometimes we ourselves have unwittingly entered into the premises of another and we have become confronted with sights we would rather not have seen. Islam is a model religion that caters for everything. Do you know that there are etiquette to conform with when you intend to visit someone? Do you know that your intended host reserves the right to admit you to his abode and to turn you back? Sit back and relax, while you read through my thoroughly researched post on the basic etiquette of visiting people in their homes.
It is generally disliked to schedule your visits at such inconvenient times such as the meal times, when its time for the noon rest, when people are resting or relaxing, before the fajr prayers and after the isha prayers. The reasons are not farfetched. As a guest, you do not want to pose a thorn in the flesh of your hosts, neither do you want to infringe on their private and resting times. It is stated in the Noble Qur'an -" O ye who believe! let those whom your right hands possess, and the (children) among you who have not come of age ask your permission (before they come to your presence), on three occasions: before morning prayer; the while ye doff your clothes for the noonday heat; and after the late-night prayer: these are your three times of undress: outside those times it is not wrong for you or for them to move about attending to each other: Thus does Allah make clear the Signs to you: for Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.". (Quran 24:58)
It is generally accepted that before making a visit, an appointment should be made, it could either be oral, through the phone, e mail or text message, give your host sufficient time to prepare for your visit, dont just barge into his home and expect a grand reception. There is one popular statement that the visitor who arrives late in the night should not expect dinner. Exactly.
When the D-Day of making the visit comes, the Quran asks us in Surat Noor to seek permission before entering the homes of our hosts. 'O you who believe! enter not houses other than your own until you have asked permission' Q24:27. The importance of seeking permission cannot be overemphasized as there are several prophetic traditions that elucidate its importance.
The Prophet (SAW) said, "Seeking
permission [to enter another person's private space] has been made
compulsory only because of eyesight (i.e. only so that people do not see
that which is unlawful for them to see, such as a stranger woman)." (Bukhari & Muslim)
'Ata Ibn Yasir (RA) narrated: "A
man asked the Messenger of Allah (SAW) 'Should I seek
permission to enter my mother's room?' The Prophet (SAW)
answered 'Yes'. The man said, ' We live together in the same house'. The
Messenger of Allah (SAW) said 'Ask permission to join
her'. The man argued 'But I serve her!' The Prophet (SAW)
said 'Ask for permission. Would you like to see her naked?' The man
replied 'No'. The prophet (SAW) said 'Then ask for her
permission before entering'.
another narration, Zaynab, the wife of 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said that
before opening the door of his house, 'Abdullah used to make a noise,
lest he surprised and embarrassed his family. Likewise:
man asked Hudhayfa ibn al-Yaman (RA) , "Should I ask
permission to enter my mother's room?" Hudhayfa replied, "Yes, if you do
not ask for her permission, you may cause yourself a needless
embarrassment". Thus it is not too advisable to suddenly enter even your own house, signify your presence in one way or the other. There is also no need to "surprise" your family.
children reach a certain age they must ask permission and be taught to
establish prayer. Allah (SWT) says in the Quran: "And
when the children come of age, let them ask for permission, as do those
senior to them in age; thus does Allah make clear His signs. Allah is
all-knowing all wise"
(Quran 24: 59)
Nafi' (RA) the companion of 'Abdullah ibn Umar said, "When
any of the children of Ibn Umar came of age, Ibn Umar would assign that
child to another room. He would not allow any of them to enter his room
without permission".
'Ata ibn Abi Rabah (RA) reported that he asked Ibn Abbas "Should
I seek permission when calling my two sisters?" Ibn Abbas answered
"Yes". I said, "I am their gaurdian, supporter and providor of their
needs". He said, " Would you rather see them naked?" Then he recited the
verse of the Quran (24:59), concluding that it is obligatory to seek
permission for all.
Masha Allah.Concerning seeking permission before entering another person's house, it is sunnah to greet first and then ask for permission to enter. Kaldah related in Sunnan Ahmad that ' I entered without having greeted anyone inside, and so the prophet SAW said 'Go back and say As-salaamu aleikum'.
After the greeting of peace, then you ask ' can I enter?'. Take care to note that when sending salutation and seeking permission, you do not stand directly in front of the door, but rather on either sides of it. After seeking permission three times and you either received no response or your requests have been declined, then by all means return to where you came from. Abu Moosa Al-Ashree related that the Nabiyy SAW said 'If one of you asks permission to enter the private property of another three times without permission being granted to him, then he should return. Bukhari and Muslim. When your request to enter an apartment is been declined and you are asked to return, please do not nurse any rancour agaist your potential host, for you do not know the circumstnce facing him. Be very civil and considerate when anouncing your appearance, do not knock harshly or raise your voice unnecessarily.
May Allah forgive us our errors and grant us His Mercy. Ameen.
Please Read, Comment and Share. May Allah reward you as you do so. Ameen
Allahumma amin, this is right among the signs of the beauty of islam, "it's perfectionand complete coverage" uhmn ALHAMDULILLAH robbil 'alameen
DeleteJazakillah khairan Umm Khaleel. I will lilke to suggest that when quoting the Qur'an in anoda language, pls make a statement like "an approximate translation of the Qur'an states that...". I say this bcos alot of meaning is lot translating one language to d other. Once again, may Allah reward ur efforts.
ReplyDeleteAmeen, jazakAllahu khairan. i will put your suggestion into consideration. THanks for reading and commenting
DeleteMa shaa Allah! Points noted!
Deletemeaning that right to privacy had been guaranteed by Allah and His Prophet (S.A.W) since many centuries ago, even before the making of the Magna Carter, the Bill of Rights, the Petition of Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and today's constitution. Islam is beautiful and all-encompassing. Umu, jazakAllahu khairan.