Salam aleykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh.
I plegded to make a post on how we can protect ourselves as Muslims from the evil eye And it's dangerous manifestations. Before going into details I will first like to remind us that remembrance of Allah SWT is key to any success, key to any protection, it is the key to a better life and better living. If we are constantly in a state of dhikr and dua, Ash shaytan rajeem will not be able to penetrate us or our families. In sha Allah.
Remembrance of Allah can take several forms, recitation of the Quran, reciting exultation of Allah,the aim is to be constantly conscious of Allah.
Alhamdulilah, it is stated in Q17:82, 'We have revealed in the Quran cure and compassion for the believers '
Quranic Prescription
One can constantly recite suratul ikhlas, falaq, Nas, Amana Rasul and Ayat Qursiy
Prophetic prescription
Ahuzu bi kalimatillahi taamat min sharri maa khalaqa
Bismillahi ladhi laayadrruu maa ismihi shayhun fil ardi wa la fi samahi wahuwa semiun aleem
Very good, very interesting my this :) :D