Monday 10 June 2013


I received this message on blackberry messenger and thought to share. It carries a lot of messages that I hope would be handy to us all.
Salam aleykum.


The month of Shabaan, preceding the spectacular and blessed month of Ramadaan, is the eight month in the Islamic calendar.
Perched between two sacred months, viz. Rajab and Ramadaan, the month of Shabaan is a prelude to the coming of a dynamic and majestic month – the Mubarak Month of Ramadaan.

Nabi صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ advised that when the month of Shabaan approaches you; cleanse your souls to receive the blessed month of Ramadaan. Rectify your intentions, for verily the greatness of Shabaan is like my greatness over all the Prophets. Take heed, Shabaan is my month and anyone who observes one fast in it, my intercession will become lawful for him.''

The pious elders say that we should sow seeds in Rajab, water the seeds in Shabaan and bear the fruits in Ramadaan.  The more Ibadah made in Rajab and continued through to Shabaan, will inherit tremendous blessings and benefits during the month of Ramadaan. Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه describing these months says that Rajab brings the breeze, clouds are seen during Shabaan and there is rain (of Mercy) in Ramadaan. Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilaani رضي الله عنه says that months and years are like trees. The spring season of the trees is Rajab, it bears fruit during Shabaan and the fruits are harvested during Ramadaan.

Shabaan is considered as an important month nurturing itself to the great month of Ramadaan. Since Ramadaan is known as the month of fasting, in preparation and a window to this celestial month, Rasulullah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ was recorded to have fasted most in the month of Shabaan after the blessed month of Ramadaan.