Sunday, 30 June 2013


Here is a very thought provoking contribution from one of our ardent readers, Shukrah Oloso. She is a Barrister and currently doing her Masters in International  Law at the University of Ibadan. Please enjoy.

I was in the LLM class on a fateful Friday waiting for our revered professor of International Law and Practice of Human Rights like my other colleagues and looking forward to another riveting, educating, exciting and stimulating lecture…we were supposed to have a seminar presentation on the ‘‘AFRICAN STATE FORMATION AND THE HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION’’ but before the group could start their presentation, the Prof started “lamenting and reiterating” with a heavy heart that “WHY ARE AFRICAN LEADERS SO SUSCEPTIBLE TO CORRUPTION?” he didn’t allow any one answer before he continued and lamented again and asked another question “ WHY DO AFRICAN LEADERS STEAL MONEY THEY CANNOT TAKE TO THE GRAVE WHILE THE MASSES ARE SERIOUSLY SUFFERING?” this renowned expert in human rights continued on and on and we realized he didn’t intend for anyone to answer the question to be answered but was just bothered about the situations undergoing of the country and Africa in general.

The lecturer posited that the lack of respect for human life and dignity is the order of the day in Africa partly because of lack of patriotism, sincerity and insubordination. He further stated that the leaders are rather concerned with what they will embezzle than address the needs of the citizens, fulfill their duties effectively and efficiently to the state and ensure the protection of the citizens that put them into power.
In addition, the lecturer partly blamed the colonial masters for the problems Africa state are witnessing as a result of Africa’s inability to evolve on her own like they did and because of that there are several acts or “mentality” which they implanted in “our” heads that we have refused to abandon which has over the years lead to over stagnation and lack of development. The panacea the professor proffered was for the Africa nations to unite and prioritize their duties and start by ensuring the respect of the human rights as they are inalienable, fundamental and inherent by virtue of our humanity and until that is done, the Africa nation might not move forward.
I really do not want to bore you with what happened in class but after the class I pondered over what I heard and until I got to the mosque, I never knew or thought the sermon of the imam will revolve around the same subject, but alas it did!

I then reflected in my heart, sodaqta ya imam (you have spoken the truth imam), this is because Allah has commanded us in suratul Imran verses 2-4 and 7 to worship Him Alone and associate none with Him and that was the reason He sent the Furqan ( the Criterion) through the Prophet (Salallahu Alayhi Wasalam) to warn us against disobedience to the Creator and submit ourselves to Allah wholeheartedly, until we stop using our power, money and position to oppress the poor and weak will we see the Mercy of Allah, until we desist from acts that lower the status of the religion. of Allah will we attain the status of the believers and until we follow the rules, principles and the behavior of the prophet will we be free from all  harms in the world. Because no man made books, laws or statutes guarantees in details the rights of all creatures of Allah.
I answered all the questions of Prof in my hearts and said, “we do not recognize the sanctity of life in Africa because we have turned away from Allah”, our leaders do not have pity for people that put them in the position because the fear of Allah is far from their hearts, our leaders embezzle the money for the developments of the society because they have chosen to disobey Allah, our leaders will not respect inherent human rights because they have no pity for the masses and their heart is as cold as steel.
 We pray Allah in His Infinite mercies let not our hearts deviate from the truth, we pray He guide us and bestow on us His blessings everyday of our lives until the Day of Judgment, amin…

Ameen. I hope you found this very interesting. If you have any article or thoughts worthy of publishing, do not hesitate to mail me at Jazakillahu khairan Shukrah. Masalam.


  1. True Shvrah, African leaders are the worst of leaders, life in Africa is not taken importantly, look at the incident that happenec in Uganda(between the Tutsi and Hutu) and wars happening in other afircan countires. Lack of infratructure and development makes life difficult for the average man. In development country, food is very cheap and water drank directly from the tap.

    We must all stand to vote for change!!!.

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  4. I have gone through the article from sister Shukra and found it very relevant to the society it depicts! However, I may, as a careful observer, disagree that the menace of cruel leadership as it relates to poor management of the economy, severely monumental loothing and nepotism is peculiar to Africa. Afterall, we have had statesmen like Nyerere Julius, Rollings of Ghana and the most controversial but most visionary of them- Mammar Ghadaffi, who did not only criticise imperialism, but fortified their contries' economy. We may nevertheless agree with all our hearts that the Nigerian example is excessive and almost incurable. Every stratum of our lives is corruption compliant and the governmrnt isn't ready to bid it any farewell! In Nigeria, it is no longer novel dat d larger d amount you mismanag, the lesser your sentence. I hope the duo of sisters Lateefah and Shukrah will help rid their sector of plea bargaining and all sorts which combine to abet economic deteroriation in the land. Lateefah, more power to your elbow.

    1. Thank you sir, and quite an insightful comment. Thanks for always finding time to visit the blog

    2. Thank you sir, and quite an insightful comment. Thanks for always finding time to visit the blog
